I sin iver att dominera den globala marknaden har världens politiker glömt grunden för, varför de överhuvudtaget besitter de maktpositioner de innehar i dagens demokratiska samhällen. Att totalt strunta i den egna befolkningens behov, som i de flesta av EUs stater just nu, förefaller otroligt infantilt, och pekar på en övertro på den fartblinda verklighetsuppfattning som många så kallat folkvalda lider av idag!
"The crisis of liberal capitalism has been rendered more serious by the rise of a potent alternative: state capitalism, which tries to meld the powers of the state with the powers of capitalism. It depends on government to pick winners and promote economic growth. But it also uses capitalist tools such as listing state-owned companies on the stockmarket and embracing globalisation. Elements of state capitalism have been seen in the past, for example in the rise of Japan in the 1950s and even of Germany in the 1870s, but never before has it operated on such a scale and with such sophisticated tools."
"The crisis of liberal capitalism has been rendered more serious by the rise of a potent alternative: state capitalism, which tries to meld the powers of the state with the powers of capitalism. It depends on government to pick winners and promote economic growth. But it also uses capitalist tools such as listing state-owned companies on the stockmarket and embracing globalisation. Elements of state capitalism have been seen in the past, for example in the rise of Japan in the 1950s and even of Germany in the 1870s, but never before has it operated on such a scale and with such sophisticated tools."
citatet är hämtat från The economist nättidning (läs vidare i länken nedan!)
Kolla särskiltden Kinesiske ministern Tsangs uttalande angående politikernas del i upprätthållandet av det sociala statskontraktet:
SVT Play / Slutsammanfattning för World Economic Forum / Davos
SVT Play / Slutsammanfattning för World Economic Forum / Davos
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